Clan: Toreador

Position: None

Status: 1 (Acknowledged) 

Quote: "Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies."

He woke up one evening and had to claw himself out of a grave. Rory was part of a massive wave of Sabbat shovelhead embraces in his hometown of New Orleans. When the opportunity presented itself, he fled as quickly as he fled as quickly as he could.

Keeping his head down and staying out of trouble in Europe, he sought out new ways to occupy eternity. After several failed projects, he learned how to bake and from there, how to make candies and chocolates. It was as if he had finally woken up, the confusion of his existence made clear at last. She only made life sweeter.

Merits: Eat Food, Acute Taste

Envy Pierce


Remy Roche 



Peccato Chocolates 

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