Clan: Gangrel

Position: Deputy Sheriff

Status: 1 (Acknowledged)

Quote: “It's because even a good man can't always be right, that we need ... rules.” 

On the verge of losing his beat cop uniform in exchange for the suit of the detect, Samuel gave it all up to do what he felt was right and serve his country.

It was in Afghanistan that he lost it all. Fatally wounded, it was a vampire that saved his life and embraced him. Little did his Sire know, was that he considered his life - his pregnant wife and son - were waiting for him back in Dallas.

Adjusting to the 'gift' given to him, he chose to go back to work as a police officer and served the Sheriff in Memphis as his deputy. 

Merits: Crack Driver, Code of Honor, Good Recognition, Acute Smell

Cynthia Ross




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