Clan: Ravnos

Position: N/A

Status: 1 (Recognized)

Quote: “The answer is that we don't choose our freaks, they choose us.” 

Cast out for rebelling against tradition, she was alone. Her Sire found her and swept her into a world of the bizarre and fantastical and together, they travelled the world. The Week of Shadows filled her life with solitude once more. 

She barely made it in time to save her brother, and now has decided to stay in New Orleans to be close to him and her friends. With a group of performers, her shocking and astounding sideshow acts can be seen on the streets, special events, festivals and on the riverboat casino that her brother runs.

Merits: Great Liar, Phralmulo

Flaws: Compulsion, Marhime

Gavriel Lovel 

Baby Brother 

Tobias Boswell 

Infamous Sire 





Sideshow Artist (1)

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